DIY Leg Warmers

I’m tinkered inside today due to leftover rains from Huricane Irma battering the volunteer state. With a 70% chance of rain and wind advisory its best to do some projects inside.

With the rain comes cooler weather which has me digging for socks. With a long pair on my toes still feel the chill of autumns arrivals with this storm front. 12 days until fall. This chilly weather is likely to stick after the storm passes.

I come across a diy project I had tried out but never used. I tossed on some Olive green leg warmers I made a few weeks ago from a thin worn Old Navy long sleeve v cut shirt I no longer wore. With the leg warmers on I dashed on my boots and noticed the fairy folk like fold the warmers had.

Neat! I went out in the sprinkles before the storm for last minute runnings around town and my toes where kept toasty. The layer over my socks did wonders and I’m hooked! Got to make more for the chilling seasons to come. Like the Starks chant...

So lets cozy on up together ride this storm out and make some Leg Warmers!

¤ Directions / Instructions ¤

  • Have Materials.
  • Organize materials.
  • Cut shirt sleeves off along arm seams.
  • Try on your homemade leg warmers for size and enjoy your quick and cozy craft.
  • I do hope you enjoy this diy I put together for ya feel free to comment like and share ♡

    Until we meet again. ☆

    Under the same moon. ★


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